This is my portfolio. In here you can find all the projects that I've worked on individually or in a group. Creative work by a Creative Technology student.
This project was made in a group of four; Lukas Vugts, Bart Boonstra, Joshua van der Meer and me. The goal of this project was to make a Social Media machine for a company at the University of Twente called AER. This machine should display the social media activity around AER. We did this my making a World map that displays the activity by the use of Led strips placed underneath the continents.

How does it work?

This machine allows a company or whoever uses it to have their social media activity displayed on a real physical device. The user can choose which social media platform will be displayed. For the prototype we made this was only twitter. Incoming tweets with the company's name mentioned in it, in this case AER, will be displayed on the map. Two things will happen. First the continent where the tweet is coming from will let a stream of light coming from underneath go around the specific continent where the tweet is coming from. Also a short tweet sound fragment will be played indicating that a tweet was sent. After all this the machine will calculate the brightness of the continent, this indicates the activity in this specific area and is based on the amount of tweets coming in over a certain time period.

Explanation video

In this short video below the whole concept is explained. You can also see the machine in action.

My role in this project

I contributed in this project by doing most of the design work. AER, the company we were making this for, wanted something that looks very slick. To me that meant that the machine had to look very clean and have a minimalistic style. This style was realized by having just a black background with the continents in white placed on top. The Led strips were hidden underneath the continents to prevent a messy pile of Leds. The colors black and white were chosen because they do not only look great together, they also represent the colors in the logo of AER. This prototype was build with wooden plates, if their was a bigger budget a milk glass background would have been better. That will really make it look modern and professional. Some of the technical researching was done by me as well. This made clear that other physical social media display products did not give much information about the following. Most of them were just like/follower counters. Our machine provides some cool information as well. Seeing where your customers post about your company in real time is super cool to see.
For module 1 called "We create identity" in the CreaTe course we had to make a interactive video in groups of 5. The video I made with my group is called the Void. It's about Ted (played by me) who starts with studying at the university, or so he thinks. Take notice of the great storyline in this interactive video. Click the play button to view this interactive movie.
In the last year of Highschool I had to do a so called PWS about a certain topic in a specific field, biologie, Science or Chemistry for example. I chose to investigate how quantum computers work and what we can do with them. Building a quantum computer is a very hard task. It's something that is being heavily researched in the last couple of years. Therefor I thought it would be very interesting to understand what these quantumcomputers can do.

What is in my PWS?

There are 5 chapeters in my PWS. The first chapter explaines the basics of quantum mechanics by the use of a experiment I did. In the second chapter I explain how quantum computers work different from classical computers like the one your reading this on. The third chapter explains the way the quantum computer uses these quantum mechanics. Then with the fourth chapter I went more into how we could implement quantum computers in our daily live. And the fifth chapter tells more about when the first useful quantum computers will be made. If your interested in this then download this PDF to read more about these machines.(It's unfortunately in Dutch.)
In the last year of my VWO I was introduced to programming. We learned how to use the basic elements in python. The end assignment was to make a traffic light with cars coming from four different directions. I learned a lot about the basics of programming during this assignment.

The Assignment

So I had to make a traffic light system that would guide the cars through the intersection. This sounded complicated to me. There were a few requirements for this system. You had to make some sort of input to choose how many cars you wanted to come from each direction per minute. I was also told that 80% would go straight, 10% left and 10% right.

How I tackled the problem

I knew I had eight different traffic lights. One for going left and one for going straight or right. So 2 for each direction adds up to eight different traffic lights in total. I also calculated that there would be eight different combinations in which the lights could go on. I made the system calculate which combination of lights had the most cars waiting in front of them. Then these two traffic lights would turn green and stay green till all the cars behind those green lights had crossed the intersection. This way the system was quite efficient. There were also a few problems though. For example, whenever a car would be in a lane all alone he would have to wait for other cars to join him. This is because the system was build to let the lane with most cars always go first. Unfortunatly I had not solved this yet, but It can be fixed with a maximum waiting time for example.
In this example light B1 and B2 are green. The system calculated that most of the cars stood behind these lights

What I learned from this project

During this project I got familar with the basics of programming. Not just how variables or loops work, but also how to figure out problems. Like why is my programming crashing and why are things not working how I want them to work. I think this has already helped me with the programming assigments we get at CreaTe.