Blogpost #1

The Gogbot Festival

The Gogbot Festival
The project I liked most
The project I disliked most

Posted on 15-9-2017 by Anna van der Linden

I visited the Gogbot festival on the opening night on Thursday. In the Expo there were a few items that immediately caught my eye. The project that fascinated me the most was a group of four spheres on a row with behind it a screen. The spheres where all of a different size and the distance between them differed as well. Inside the spheres there were items that on first notice looked like random objects that had nothing in common (a plant, gravel, water). On top of each of the spheres there was a piece of foil placed. When you touched the foil on top of the spheres the screen behind it would show information about a planet. Then it became clear that the spheres represented four planets of our solar system and that the objects inside were the materials the planets are made of. This is the project that I liked the most, because it was interactive, it was really appealing to touch the spheres and then read the information on the screen. That is also an aspect that I liked about the project; I learned something in a fun way. And besides all that, it simply looked really clean and cool.

At the Gogbot festival there were also projects that I found less interesting. At the Expo there was an area with screens on the walls that displayed white shapes on a black screen. In front of the screens there was a pedestal with on top multiple stacks of computer circuits and there where internet cables coming out of it. At first I thought that it looked cool and futuristic, but when I got closer it didn’t become clear what the stacks of computer circuits and the screens were supposed to be. It seemed like there was nothing happening; while a lot of other projects were interactive and fun. This was the item that I liked the least, because it wasn’t clear what the purpose was of the item and it lacked the interactive and educational aspect.


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