Project Water That Plant


Another interesting assignment this module was the final assignment for our subject Physical Computing. Together with my teammate Jasper I created a fully automatic plant watering system using a soil moisture sensor, an Arduino Uno, a servo motor built in a plant spray bottle and a speaker. Took some time, but those plants are going to live!

Project festival wristband


For module 2, (yes, it's already the end of module 2!) my project group and I created a wristband that tracks your friends in a big crowded area like a festival so you will never lose them again. Powered by arduino, wifi and RFID this was an awesome project to work on. In this project my role was that of the designer, so I created several design sketches and technological interfaces. Great project!

Final project and end exhibition


Time flies, and my first module as CreaTer is officialy over! It was a fun ride, and I'm ready for the next. Just as the module is over, me and my project group also finished the interactive video project! The short horror film called 'No Escape' is finally finished, telling the story of Simon having to fear for his life for being a witness to important documents being stolen from his house. View our movie here, on site of one of my group mates, or here, in my portfolio. All the clips and posters were presented at the final exposition, which was a fun closing of the module.It was great to see the creativity of fellow students and reflect on and chat about our experiences this module together!

Assignment 2b


The link to extra assignment 2b is here!

Website review


Look further then your own stuff! Instead of being busy with my own website I reviewed the one from Renk Rosmalen, a fellow CreaTe student of mine. Visit Renk's site here! Renk website is simple, but works really well! Every page is well acessible and the layout stays consistent. Although there might be some work needed on the portfolio pages and contact info I' m overall positive on this site. Looking at his (pretty clear structured, nice!) HTML code on the index page, it also gets clear that he didn't use any template at all! Also, he starts his code with making sure the proportions of the site stay the same on every device. But, there are a few points of improvement: first of all, the body is not closed off! Secondly, there are some style codes in the html that could better be in the css, for example the style part of the leauge of legends connection. Screenshot of his code to the left! Reviewing somebody elses site is not only interesting, but also makes you a bit more critical about your own code. By looking at somebody elses style of coding you can improve your own, which is always a good thing of course. So, reviewing another site is useful!

Web design 2.0


As you can see, this website has evolved somewhat over the time it has been here. From what was a simple HTML page at first, I have added quite an extensive CSS layout to add my personal touches. For example the portfolio page! I've used artwork of my own for the buttons, and pimped them using margins, paddings, hover effects and of course text on top saying where the button will lead to. I also used my CSS stylesheet to pimp that text. The first picture to the right shows the CSS code I used to do create the look of the photography button, which isn't that complicated at all! Click on the image to make it bigger and readable :) Another example of CSS used to create personal touches is my own logo, visible in the upper left corner! I also used CSS to get that right, which is to be seen in the second CSS image. The logo is just a simple div, but adding a width, height, margin, padding, float and background picture (the logo!) to it creates something beautiful!

Portfolio update


I've always had a thing for wolves. Wolves are mysterious, beautiful and wild creatures. I've done a detailed wolf study in coloured pencil, which you can check out in my portfolio through this link!

Video project


Together with my awesome project group called 'Unstable Productions' I've been working on an interactive video project, cus that is the cool stuff you do when studying Creative Technology :). We've made a pretty strong start, and already decided on a theme, and started writing first versions of the script. Our theme will be.......Horror! Not the bloody kind of horror though, but the creepy psychological kind. Since we are all not professional actors we want to focus on sound and image, not on conversation. With some good camera work and a professional DJ in the project group, that eerie movie should come across smoothly! By the end of this week the script should be finished, I'll keep you updated!

First piece of work


The portfolio page is up! In the fine art section, I posted a first drawing, one of my favourite portraits. 40 hours I spent drawing it, so please check it out through this link!

Web design


We've been working on design! Of course, this site will visually display all my drawings, photography and other artworks. But it needs a bit more site to do that! In this blogpost, I'll present all the sketches (which are actual sketches, so in a sketchbook) of how the different tabs in the menu above will look like, making displaying artwork possible. For every creation starts with a design! From up till down you can see sketches of the About page, the Portfolio page, the Blog page, and the Contact page. The home page is missing because it will stay simple as it is.

Gogbot 2018


BBBZZZZZZZZZZZ! That what my head felt like returning from Enschede's Gogbot festival, which took place the sixth till the ninth of Semptember 2018. As it is a festival for interactive artwork and creative technology, many installations were to be seen, all in the theme of Future Flash 200: from Frankenstein to Hyperbrain. So creepy installations, huh? Yes they were! For example the god table, which made you feel like you were a god by making things move with your hands.. Or the creepy skull displayed here, symbolising impulses in your brain, which I found just beautifully made. Gogbot was epic!

First blogpost!


Congratulations, you found my blog! Here, I will keep you updated on all my artistic genius ;) (No self-esteem at all, of course.) I will talk about new ideas, things that inspire me and events I visited. Hope you haven't fallen asleep yet, have fun reading! Cheers, Bente