A wolf costume

Posted on 5 november, 2017 at 22:50

Our interactive video is about little riding red hood. And of course there is a wolf in this story. It was my job to make a nice costume for the wolf.

To keep it simple, I came up with an easy design. It would be some sort of cap for on the wolf his head. It had to be hairy and of course it needed big ears.

The first step was to find the perfect material for the costume. My mom has tons of different kinds of fabrics, so I searched in her collection. I found the perfect fabric: it was grey, hairy and soft. Perfect for a wolf.

The second step was to make a pattern. I searched on internet for inspiration, but in the end I just cut something out of paper. It looks a bit like two half circles.

The third step was cutting the right shapes out of the fabric. Watch out for the long hairs from the fabric. You don’t want to cut those all off.

The fourth step: sew them together. I used a sewing machine. That’s way faster than doing everything by hand.

And the final step: make two wolfy ears. I cut two triangles and put some white hairy stuff on top of this. Then I made the ears stand a bit to the inside. And don’t forget: sew the ears to the head.

And then you’re done!