Module number three

Posted on 16 April, 2018 at 12:21

Module three just ended. Only one more module to go and I’m not a first year student anymore. It still feels weird that time went so fast.

But anyway, in this blog I wanted to talk a bit about the project that we did this module. The project was called ‘living and working tomorrow’ every project group was connected to a real-life client and everyone was working on a different project for their particular client.

The client I was working for, was the van Abbehuis, a art museum in the city centre of Eindhoven. The museum is located in a big and nice villa, but it definitely does not look like an art museum. That’s why our client wanted us to design something that would inform people and peak their interest.

Me and my group designed a couple of ideas for the Van Abbehuis to give them inspiration. Afterwards we made a prototype of one of the ideas.

Below are some pictures and the project movie Sanne made, to give you an impression of the project.