Hello World!

Thanks for checking out my blog!

I'm excited to show you what I've been working on, but first, here's a little bit about myself:

1 My name is Edo De Wolf
2 I'm half Dutch, half Indonesian, and was born in Tanzania
3 I love art, film, music, and video games
4 I love technology

My goals in life:

Me and a good friend of mine

Besides making lasagne, I have, like many of you, a passion for technology. I also love the arts, and that's why I came to Twente to study Creative Technology.

One of my biggest goals in this study is bringing technology to the less fortunate.

My father works a lot in third-world countries. You could say that his work ethic is rubbing off on me.

But the more I consider it, the more strongly I feel about it.

I want to make technology more accessible, affordable, and prominent in third-world countries.