First Module Programming

The first module of CreaTe included writing a program in Processing to make a painting by Milan Kunc interactive. Our program is based on the painting Selbstporträt by Milan Kunc. The program can change the background; move the hat (together with the fish and little green plant), eyes and teeth (and grow the latter back when they have fallen); create smoke and play music.
There are multiple ways in which you can interact with our program. First of all, you can click on the eyes, which will make the one you clicked on fall and be suspended in the air by a rope, connecting the eye to the skull. If you click on the eye after it has fallen, it will be "pulled up" back into the eye socket. You can also click on each of the teeth. When you do, they will fall out of the skeleton's mouth. When they have dropped beneath the lower edge of the screen, they will start to grow back into the skeleton's mouth. The last thing you can click on is the little green shape next to the fish, which is supposed to be a weed plant. When you click on it, smoke will appear and drift away to the top right corner of the canvas.
Not only can you click on some of the objects to interact with our program, you can also use some keys on your keyboard to control the painting. The first is the spacebar, when you press it the background colors will switch, the dark will become light and vice versa. The last thing you can do in our program is pressing the left and right keys. When you do this, depending on which key you press the hat will either turn left (if it already has turned right) or turn right (if it has already turned left). Also, beneath the hat there is a disco, which you can see when the hat has been turned to the right. When the hat has turned 20 degrees to the right or more the song staying alive by the Bee Gees starts playing. When you turn it back to its original position the music will stop playing.
(created in october 2017)