Progress update | Week 4

Since the start of this website, a lot has changed already. I started with an HTML website with some basic information about myself. Then I upgraded my site to a WordPress one. Firstly I used one of the stock templates that were installed already. I tried to change it to my liking, but I wasn’t happy with the outcome. Because of that, I started looking for a theme that provided a good base to build on further. I eventually found this in the theme “Square.”

I thought the theme initially already looked pretty nice, but there was still some progress to be made. I made a child theme to easily customise the theme and started to alter different aspects. The first thing I changed were the fonts. I looked up a font on Google Fonts, added it to my child theme and applied it to the texts. One of the most important places where the text has to be right, is in the slider: it’s the first thing you see when you enter the site. Originally, the text in the slider was pretty small and had a semi-transparent box behind it. Although it did make it more readable, I also thought it looked a bit messy and busy. To improve the looks of this section, I not only altered the font and the font size, but also deleted the box behind it. To keep it readable, I added a drop shadow to the text and made sure the pictures in the slider weren’t to busy.

The theme originally also came with a turquoise accent colour. I really wasn’t a fan of this exact colour, so I altered to a light blue colour. Firstly I wanted a darker blue, but when I applied it, it looked totally different on a white and on a dark grey background. You would almost think 2 different colours were used. With the light blue colour this wasn’t a problem anymore.

At the moment I’m pretty happy with the looks of my site. Of course this doesn’t mean the is finished. There’s always room for improvement…

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