Welcome to my blog!
this slowpoke moves

-Hello world!-


My personal touch!(Blog post 1)

Here you can see a block of my code with the result on the main page.I wrote these lines to add a little bit of style to the navigation buttons so they are more appealing , so i added them. I saw first the idea on GitHub so I thought it's good enough to implement it.

hero (Blog post 2)The review of a fellow student:

I got intrigued by the background animation, a bit clunky I would say , I wished it was a bit more smoother and slower.Moves flawless , the navigation bar it's on point.The second thing I want to mention is the color pallet(a bit of a poor choice).Over all 9/10.

In the block of code above you can see how he managed to do the navigation for the site.Its samll and simple and yet works perfectly.


Sites rewied


Colective hours into it


Days per year


Person putting the sweat into it