Extra assignments 5b

Title Over-all score Last post Portfolio items Socialmedia Mobile phone performance
Ari Lee 2.4Oct 17, 2018 2 pieces No link to socialmedia sufficient
Sebastiaanjai 2.0 No post at all none No link to socialmedia unsufficient
Pepijn 3.8 Nov 7, 2018 4 pieces Email sufficient

Comparison of websites

I want to claim at first these three websites are not really great compare to the others. What they all did good is that they make the back ground in one color which can make it more clear to read. But for the second one, I don't know what is going wrong with his website it just dosen't show anything..

All of them used navogation bar but for the first one the navigation is a little bit unclear since every content in you website is in the same page. In this case is really hard for a viewer to find out where he is. Second one has a navigation bar and that's probably the only thing in his website. The third one is the best one out of three the navigation bar is well designed and the portfolio buttom even has a sub-navigation bar.

They are all not well performed on mobile phone but the best one will still gose the third one. Even thought the position of every elements changed, it still work perfectly as well as the youtube vedio.