Hello! My name is Hannah Ottenschot. I went to Highschool in Leeuwarden, to the Piter Jelles Stedelijk Gymnasium, where I got my grammar school certificate in six years. I chose the NT/NG-profile, Nature & Technology/Health, with extra Art classes. My final exam subjects were: English, Dutch, Mathematics B, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Latin and Art. I also took the Cambridge CPE exam (C2 level), but sadly got 199 points. The minimum score to get the CPE exam was 200, but I still got my CAE certificate (C1 level). 

Currently, I am a first year Creative Technology student at the University of Twente. This study combines the two things I am interested in: Technology and Creativity. I am excited to learn more about design and programming, and I’m looking forward to start new projects. Over time I will post updates on my progress and keep a personal blog.