
November 6th, 2019 - Video Project Completion

The Video project is now complete, after weeks of work, and in my opinion, we have done well! We filmed all of our scenes around 2 weeks before the deadline, after which i was personally responsible for editing all of the footage, so that it could be applied to Ximpel before the deadline. Before submission, i also went through all of the different options, to test that it all worked, which was good because a few of the choices hadn't worked immediately. This was all fixed bnefore the deadline, and now our video functions properly, and looks good!
We presented our work at the Expo, and recieved a great reaction from everyone who saw it. We got a some laughs too, as there were some discreetjokes hidden in our video. The video held up throughout the testing of viewers, and all of the paths worked after our testing.

October 15th, 2019 - Peer review of another website

Reviewed website:Q.Snels
Our most recent assignment was to look at the website of another student, and give it feedback. The student who I gave feedback to, Quinten, had made a site completely himself, without the use of a wordpress template. His structure was clear and simple, and worked flawlessly. It was clear that this student spent the majority of his time learning and applying the code, rather than writing his text and formatting his images. The content was very minimal, including small pictures in places, and none in others. Otherwise the website was well-made and effective, and was easy to use, with the purpose of the website being fulfilled well. Looking at Quinten's website, I realised how neat his was, and how chaotic mine is, especially in the blog. I will change this in the coming weeks, as it is becoming difficult to read with all of the new blog posts. Quinten did it much better. The image below shows his blog page as well as the code behind it. One approach I might adopt from Quinten's website is the 'article' command, as this creates a much cleaner, more modular layout than simply using textboxes for each block of text as I have been doing so far.

. Q.Snels

October 2nd, 2019 - Visual update to site

I updated some of the appearance of my website with CSS, including programming a more modern navigation bar at the top, and changing the font of all text to 'Arial',
rather than the default 'Times New Roman'. The left image below shows the menu code which tops each of my '.html' files, and the middle shows the formatting of this menu
in my stylesheet (CSS). The right shows the code used to change the font of all of the text.

. Menu_HTML Menu_code_CSS Menu_CSS

October 2nd, 2019 - Announcement: Portfolio Update 2

I have updated the portfolio again, this time adding in some of my 3D modelling renders, another form of creativity I want to express through this website. This resides at the bottom of the Portfolio tab.

September 24th, 2019 - Video Project Progress Report

For the video project, my group: 'Alpha' has been discussing the idea of overdramatising the life of a student at the UT, who must make the right descisions to avoid injury and death due to careless mistakes. Scenes have been discussed such as deciding between a doctor's appointment and an exam after getting an infection in a cut, or deciding between going out at a weekend or studying. One will of course result in their untimely death. We have also considered the materials we will need, and have found that between our group members, we have 2 DSLR cameras, which we will use to film, as well as a high-quality studio microphone, which we will use for recording the audio. This should allow us to have a high production value end result with minimal extra cost and only slightly more effort.

September 24th, 2019 - Announcement: Portfolio Update

The format of the website has been updated introducing multiple tabs, and a CSS theme to improve the look of the site.
Additionally, my Portfolio has been updated. To view this, click Here.

September 18th, 2019 - Planning

Coming in to this project, my intention was to learn some basic HTML, so my plan did not revolve much around aesthetics,as i already had experience in web design. The design of my website, therefore, is very simple and is more based on the order i am learning new skills and techniques in, rather than on a well-organised design, which previously would have infuriated me, a but i am currently focussing entirely on the code itself. The purpose is to present my photography portfolio, and to give a summary of who i am, and my experiences at the UT The layout of my website will continue to change, as io learn new skills like CSS later on. For now though, this is the template of my design:

September 7th, 2019 - End of first week - GogBot Festival

This Saturday I went to the Gogbot festival briefly. I enjoyed the expo at the Oudekerk the most, as it featured the work of an online artist who I have been following for a while, known as BeepleCrap. His cynical and technologically-focussed art is an interesting and visually enthralling commentary on society and our modern view of popular culture, and the effects of technology on the human condition. I was very glad to see that international artists were bing represented.

September 4th, 2019 - Third Day of classes

Classes so far have been interesting, the new material has been challenging, but fun too. I did not have any experience in Programming prior to this course, and within the first 3 days, I've been introcuded to both HTML and Processing, both of which I've found entertaining and fun to work with.