Recap module 4 18/06/2020

The fourth module is now over and therefore, my first year of CreaTe is over. It has been an interesting year. I came into contact with a lot of different fields of technology. Programming in processing, designing hardware with an Arduino, creating 3D models in Maya, etc. In module 4, I think my understanding of processing has increased a lot when doing the weekly assignments for algorithms. Furthermore, the personal project I started in module 3, becoming skilled with Adobe photoshop, has now been finished. This module, I did a long advanced cursus for photoshop. When doing the module project, my teammates could relay on me if an image needed to be designed. I think I have now mastered the skill fully.

Recap module 3 19/04/2020

And again, it has been a while when updating my website. I have learned a lot in module three. Something worth showing is now visible in now online on the portfolio page. Furthermore, I updated the parts about module 2 as well. Feel free to give them a read.

Recap module 2 19/01/2020

It has been a while since I updated my site. To recap module 2, I learned working with an Arduino, I learned the basic physics of sound and circuits and I made a project for smart environments. On my portfolio page, I will soon post the end results of this module, when I finish my projects.

Final module Expo 07/11/2019

On the 5th of November, I had an exposition of all the projects I made in module one of CreaTe. There I showed the interactive video, my website and some of the work I did with processing. I thought it was fun to present the video to others, but I liked it more to see what the other groups made. Then you see different approaches to make an interesting video. In the end, I am satisfied with the result I made with my group.

Site review 16/10/2019

To learn about web technology from a different angle, I needed to review a site from another student. Therefore, I reviewed the site of Wouter Bollen. In his code, he almost only used divs and classes. That surprised me, because I only work with divs when I want to create an extra box or something. On the project page, he used for his navbar a div class, and he made rows and columns with divs and classes. The rows and columns are similar to my code. In each column, he has an image of his project and a title with it. That is something I maybe want to do myself. Without titles, it is not very clear where you would go if you click on one of the images on my portfolio page.

I think his website could use some more personality. The homepage has a cool background, but the other pages don't have any. He worried that the text wouldn't be readable, but if he uses boxen with a background, that wouldn't be a problem. The navigation on his site is very simple, which is good. Maybe he could make the current webpage title another color. Then it would be visible where you are on the website.

Look at Wouters website

Website progress - inspecting the details 01/10/2019

My website had, in the beginning, a very basic HTML-code. However, know it has some details that viewers may overlook, but give the website a personal touch. One of them is that my portfolio has some interactives works in it. My portfolio also lets the images get brighter when the mouse hovers above it. Therefore, it is really clear that you can click on the image. My blog page has some additonal Javascript. When you want to read more about a specific post, then the post will slide to be longer.

Website progress - part 3 01/10/2019

I can proudly announce that there is a second piece to view at my portfolio page. This time it is my work with MarvelApp. You don't only get to view it, but you can actually interact with my previous work this time. Besides, I made the contact page a real page and typed real content on the about me page.

Look at MarvelApp design

Video project progress - part 1 24/09/2019

For 'Introduction to CreaTe' we need to make an interactive video. We are now in week 4 and have made a begin of a story. Our near-future plans are to detail the story so we can start filming. We have already a temporary flowchart, where we made a kind of sketch in for the difficult story we have.

Website progress - part 2 24/09/2019

The progress I made with my website is mostly creating a better layout and making the portfolio page a real page. Therefore, I can proudly announce that the portfolio page is up and running. I am still adding the project I want to show, but the layout is more like I wanted it to be. There is already one project that can be seen. That is the one where I designed the Polytyb.

Look at Polytub

Website progress - part 1 17/09/2019

At first, when I started to make my website, I thought I could use the website I already made. However, I wanted to create a new layout, more business-like. My old website was made in 2016 and therefore it was a little bit outdated. With my new layout, I wanted to use basic colors, like black and white, and one striking color. While I was sketching, I tried to keep it simplistic and realistic. My sketch is now the new layout of my website after a lot of trial and error.

Look at sketch
sketch of website

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Gogbot visit 12/09/2019

On the 5th of September, I visited Gogbot. My first impression was that the place, where Gogbot is held, is very sketchy. The event took place in an abandoned building, hence the vibe at the event was kind of special. In the building, students presented their artwork that they made for module 4. Some of them were quite nice.

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I liked the stand that warned for 'designer babies' a lot. At first glance, you would think that there is nothing wrong with choosing how your child would look like. Then you get the option to choose the skin color of your child, which raises a lot of question about what racial issues this kind of technology may have. A few design option later you can choose if your child should have wings or claws. I have to say, I would find it awesome if I could fly, but should we enhance our species by changing our DNA? Another question this installation raises. Besides the design question this installation raised, it hits you with its final move: the machine gives you the receipt. There already is a gap between the rich and the poor, so how could we close that gap, if people can only design their babies when they have enough money. Other stand tried to raise their question about the dangers of future technology, but this stand was by far the best at that in my opinion.

Photo of installation

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My first experience at the university 10/09/2019

After these few days I spend on the University, I can really say that I enjoy it al lot. During the Kick in I met a lot of people, which made the actual first college less "scary". I have to say that the first day at college was a bit boring, because everything was so self explanatory.