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Mobile therapy space

Mobile therapy space


Besides the standard dutch Atheneum, I also did Technasium. Technasium is a subject you could take at our highschool, here you were able to learn what it is like to solve different technical problems from companies. If a company had a problem and wanted inspiration how to solve this, we were given the task to come up with a solution they could implement (more info here). Normally we had 2 to 4 projects a year, but the last year we had a single project to work on for a year. This project would determine if we completed or failed the course/subject. The project that me and my team* worked on was the designing of a therapy space for kids, that was able to move around and drive to the desired location. The assignment was given to us by a company named Intraverte. The result of the project was this.

*Team members: Julia Kelly, Simon Koetsier, Annelie Moolhuizen en Jinte Pomper

Website made by Timo van Beelen CSS: W3-schools Bootstrap