This is me!

Hey how are you? nice to see you here!
Let me introduce myself: My name is Hilke and I am currently nineteen years old.

Right now I am a second year Creative Technology student at the university of Twente. My interest are porgramming and making stuff with the Arduino platform. Eventhough I like to be creative with technology I also like to be creative in other weays. This might be painting a painting or writing a poem or simply making a small sketch.

My other interest is philosphy and ethics. I find the question: "To what extend is it ethical to use technology in our society?" Highly interesting and applicable to this day and age. This is not the only question I find interesting but I think that you get the point!

My future career goal is to design technology that is socially impactfull, that can connect people or just simply is able to bring a spark of joy in people their lives!