New Look


Hi! My portfolio site used to be done with html + css, but I was curious about WordPress (as you might have read in an earlier blogpost) and wanted to experiment with it. I have re-uploaded all my blogposts and portfolio items, so the dates…
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Closure presentation


Yesterday we had a closure presentation of the module “We Create Identity”. We got to see the final Visual Communication posters of all the other first year students. I enjoyed seeing all the posters, because I was wondering what others came up with for a…
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New portfolio item


I added a second item to my portfolio! It’s a small painting of mountains I did a while ago. If you’re curious you can find it on my portfolio page.

Gogbot visit

Gogbot visit


I went to Gogbot this year! Though I had heard a lot about the festival the past years, I had never visited it before. The first installation I went to was the one in Metropool. There were gigantic screens that were slowly spinning. Because the…
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