Blog 8: Expo Module 1


This tuesday, the fifth of november, we had the final expo for module 1. During this expo, everybody could show the work they had made during the module, and the final project of all the project groups were also showed here. You can read more about this final project in my portfolio, here. It was very fun to see what all the other project groups had made of the final project and what others had made for the individual assignments like the programs written for Programming. The only downside of this expo was the fact that you couldn't really hear the sound of the movies made for the final project. Of course you could still see the movies, you just couldn't hear what it was about. Some groups explained what was happening while the movie was playing, so that was helpful, but still not ideal. Also, after about an hour I had just about seen everything, so I had to wait quite a long time before the best videos were announced. I know that this is not something that could have been prevented since everybody needs enough time to look at everyting, but it made me personally a little tired. Enough with the negativity though, overall it was a great closure of the module, and I enjoyed looking at everyting.

Blog 7: Peer review


For an assignment, we had to review a website made by one of our fellow students. I was assigned to review this website, made by Wonjun Jung. My first impression was rather positive. It looks like a clean and organised website. There were some minor things to note like absence of any info about him, but overall, it looks like a good website in my opinion. The only "major" thing I had to note was the fact that the descriptions by the portfolio were really minimal, and the english grammar could have been better. But if that's the worst thing about the website, I don't think you have much to worry about.
To be honest, I don't think that I learned much from reviewing this website. It was nice to look at the work of someone else and see what they did, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to learn from it. It's basically just judging the design, but I could do that for any website and still wouldn't really learn anything. The one thing I learned that was new to me is what WordPress code looks like. This site was made with WordPress, and when I looked at the code, I could not make much sense of it. It's really different from just code that you coded completely by yourself. Because I could not really analyse any of the pages because it was so different than what I was used to, I could only find a few things about how the site was made. This is that it was made with WordPress 5.2.4. and the theme used is Twenty Seventeen.

Blog 6: Website Design


When I started out with coding for my website, I didn’t really have a clear idea of what I wanted it to look like. Therefore it was quite a good exercise for me to just come up with an idea of your design and to sketch it on paper. Although it has really helped me to get further with my website, my current website does not look at all like my first sketches. In my first sketches I purposefully made the design really simplistic because I thought that I could never master the harder parts of designing a website. Now I’ve got to admit that my website still isn’t the most advanced website ever, but looking back at what I first came up with, I’m rather proud of what I made of it in the end. I did not use a default template for my site. My entire site is made up of self written css and of course html. To become better at html and css, I also followed a few courses on the website of codecademy. That helped me a lot, and after that I could really think about what I could make my website look like, because after that I actually knew what was possible.
I have tried to make the design of my website as minimalistic as possible because I personally really like that kind of style. This style can mainly be seen by the colors I used throughout the entire website. Black and white, and one blueish accent color. I did not want to bring in any more colors because that would make the whole website seem to busy and just not really pretty (in my opinion). One of the only things I came up with in my original sketch that’s still visible on my site today, is the Home page. It seemed like a nice idea to me to only put my name and my face on the first page you see when you enter my website. That way, you immediately see that this is a website about me. If the first page you’d see when entering my website, would for example be my introduction page, you would also see that it’s my website, but you would also already be distracted by the wall of text there. This is a really bad explanation of why I did it, but I’m just happy that I did it. One of the first things I did on my website was to try and make a navigation bar. This was really hard for me at the time because I had no experience at all. Because of that, there’s quite a bit of time put into that navigation bar. The html of this bar is not hard at all. It’s just a div element with some hyperlinks in it, but the css was hard (for me at least). I had to style the bar itself and the buttons in it (which included a hover effect that took me very long to get right). Eventually though, I got it to what it looks like now, and I am satisfied, just as I am satisfied with the rest of my website.

Blog 5: Portfolio Update


The second piece of my portfolio is now online! Go and check it out HERE.

Blog 4: Portfolio Update


This site was originally meant to showcase my portfolio and the time has finally come where that dream has been made into reality. The first piece of my portfolio has been posted and you can see it right HERE.

Blog 3: Video Project


For my study we have to make an interactive video in small groups. We are completely free in this besides the fact that it has to be interactive. What this means is that te viewer can decide what happens in the video. Sometimes the viewer can make a choice for one of the characters and that choice impacts the story. When making the choice you have no idea whether it's the right one or not so you have to think logically. It is our job to make this video as interesting as possible.
Our group has decided to make a small horror movie. One of the ideas in this is that the movie starts with the ending where you see an unidentifiable corpse. The choices that you make during the rest of the movie decides who's corpse you will find. We do not have a script yet but we already have some clear agreements about when to meet so I think that it will all work out just fine. The only thing we don't know yet is how to make the video in such a way that the viewer can actually make the choices. But I'm confident that we will learn that in time.

Blog 2: Gogbot Visit


For an assignment, we had to go to the Gogbot festival in Enschede. I was actually very excited about this because I saw the website and it seemed very interesting. Unfortunately though, I couldn’t really make it to the main event due to some planning issues. I did however went to an early exhibition in the Tetem building in Enschede where there were already some artworks on display. This was just a small portion of what I would have been able to see if I could have gone to the main event, but the artworks that I did see were interesting nonetheless. The exhibition in Tetem was divided over two rooms. The first one we entered was immediately interesting. There was some sort of wall with drills mounted to it and those drills were connected to plants which somehow told them when to start working. I didn’t really hear the explanation on this one since there was constant drilling in the background so my explanation here might not be entirely the right explanation, but it certainly comes close. There was also a small dome with all kinds of molds and bacteria underneath which created some small microbiome. This was really interesting to see. There was also some artwork dedicated to measuring genitals in this room but I didn’t really pay much attention to that one. The other room was also really interesting but also somehow very different from the other room. In here there were two bike-like constructions of which one was meant to show how hard it was to melt plastic by having to cycle for two minutes which felt like you were cycling uphill. The other one was made so that you could cycle upside down. Especially the bike with the plastic was really interesting to me because there was a real environmental message attached to that one. The last artwork in this room was an entire wall dedicated to pictures of stuff from random people. This stuff was not just any stuff, it was stuff that they had gotten or bought with the intention of using it, but which they never actually had used. This was also very interesting, mainly because I realised that I owned some of the same stuff people had put on the pictures and I never used them either. That was unfortunately all I have gotten to see from Gogbot this year, but I hope that I will be able to visit Gogbot in the coming years.

Blog 1: My Site


As of right now, my portfolio website unfortunately still looks like shit, but I’m going to change that. The day after the first lecture I wanted to work on the site some more but I realised that I couldn’t really come any further because I still didn’t really understand the basics. To battle this problem I decided to do some studying on my own so I went to to sharpen my skills. Right now I’m about halfway through the beginners course and I think that after finishing this course, I will be able to really make some major changes to my website. Until then, it will probably look like shit for just a little while longer. The fact that I can’t really change anything big to my website yet, does not mean that I can’t already come up with some basic ideas for how I want it to look in the end, so I did that. As you can see, it’s a quite basic design but I’m really satisfied with these ideas. It’s simple but I like that. There will always be some sort of navigation block on the left side and the rest of the screen will either be dedicated to an introduction, the blog, the portfolio, or something else depending on where on the website you are.