
Chrome Heights

Enschede, 2022

For module 5 (Interactive Media) of Creative Technology, the final project was to create a game in the game engine Unity. The story of the game was about our main character Arlo, a composer at a record label, who uses a designer drug to get inspiration for a new beat. He enters a psychedelic world with vibrant colours which has collecting music stems (drum, bass etc.) as its main goal to complete a finished beat. He teleports to a world in which he is now has a totally different body.

I worked on the game together with my project partner. Everything from the 3D models, character animations, player controls, programming in C# to the cut scenes and ambient music in FMOD Studio had to be made by ourselves. As this was the first project in which we had to do all the aspects of the project ourselves, it was pretty challenging. But the intricate process did pay off at the end as I learnt a lot and acquired multiple new skills. At the end I am very proud of what we made in the limited amount of time we had.

A technical animation of Arlo
A quick walkthrough of Chrome Heights (due to screen recording the video is a bit laggy)

Interactive video

Enschede, 2021

For the course Introduction To Create (ITC), we had to make an interactive video. Together with Jorge Davo Sainz (actor), Lasse van Eerden (actor), Joris Köster (cameraman, actor), Samuel Overtoom (Ximpel editor) and me as actor and camerawoman we created this video for this group project. The story of the interactive video is about the international student Lasse who is having his first day at the UT who learns about the ins and outs of student life in The Netherlands and life here as a whole. To watch the video, click here or by clicking on the picture.

My favourite project

October 25, 2021

Leeuwarden, 2019

This is a drawing I did as a final project for my fourth year of high school (2019). It’s a portrait of a Lithuanian model, but we had to draw the image as if it was shredded. It took me 15+ hours to draw, because it has a lot of detail and was pretty big. I was really proud of the way it turned out.

Kenny’s Processing debut

October 22, 2021

University of Twente, Enschede

For the course Programming we had to make our own creature. I decided to bring Kenny from the animation series South Park to life in Processing. Kenny can move around and depending on his position, his eyes change colour. Apart from that he will talk when you press your mouse! I also used an array to make a few balls move on random speeds.

I really liked the way Kenny turned out. If I were to change something, it would be the ball array. Next time I want it to be more spectacular than this.