Other activities M1

Besides the things I made during module 1 and can clearly show on a website, there were also other things I did which can be better explained with just words. 



Another course I took during module 1 was Computer Science. The material we got was not very hard to understand, we were taught the basics of a computer and its components, and how they work together, and the workflow of different systems and their protocols. Even though I already knew a few things about computers and systems, I still feel like I learned quite a few things. We closed this course with a mutliple choice exam, which I passed. 



The fifth week on the year was our Mathematics week. There was a choice between basics and advanced maths, depending on a diagnostic exam earlier in the year. Since I took Mathematics B in highschool, the diagnostic exam was quite doable, and I ended it being sorted in the advanced class. Sadly though, it felt a lot like the week was meant for people who were struggling with maths, to make sure they weren’t lagging behind, and that the advanced class was there to pass the time. We learned about different types of data, and data compression, things we won’t ever see again at CreaTe. I did pass the exam though and closed the course with a fine grade. 



Surprisingly enough, we had to design our own website during module 1 (oh, really?). We had the choice to either make it using wordpress or construct it from teh ground up using HTML and CSS. Since I am more interested in displaying what I’ve done over time instead of learning how to make websites, I chose to take the easy way and use wordpress so I could focus more on content rather than designing looks. I aim to update the website over time, giving me a clear portfolio to fall back on and show others. 



Something else besides the study I’ve been busy during module 1 are committees. During the committee market from Proto at the beginning of the year, I signed up for the interest list of a lot of committees, giving me freedom to choose later. In the end I ended up joining 3 committees within Proto:

  • Guild of Drafters – Organized group of people who stand behind the bar during drinks. This way I could learn how to draft beer, and pick up some experience from the catering industry. Up until now I haven’t done any shifts, but I’m planning on doing some in the future.
  • pLAN – Originally the LAN-party committee, but revised this year. Every member of the last pLAN committee quit, giving the new committee all freedom on what to do and how to do it. I ended up becoming chairwoman, allowing me to learn a few things about the role. As a committee we decided to change the main aim of the committee from only organising LAN-parties to organising more general game nights, so people who were not interested in just LAN-parties would feel more welcome. We have only organised one activity yet, a LAN-party where there were also mutliple consoles present. The party was meant to raise money for Serious Request, so we sold “oliebollen” and hot chocolate during the break and held a lottery during the event. In total we raised almost 550 euros for charity!
  • EducaCie –  Out of all committees this is probably the most important one. This committee tries to help people, student and professor, within the module to improve their ways. It mainly focusses on the smaller things, like mailing professors about struggles students have, confronting them whenever things are not done on time and overall coming up with ideas we have that could improve the module. So far we have already helped quite a lot of people and are still busy handling other problems as well. It feels nice to be able to complain about things you are struggling with and hear other people their complaints and then to be able to actually do something about it. 

Outside of Proto I joined two other commitees within the gymnastics association, Linea Recta, I am part of, the first year committee and the AcCo. The first year committee was only meant to organise the annual party first years had to organise. The AcCo, activity committee, however, is still active, organising the different activities within Linea Recta. I ended up becoming the secretary, making minutes during the meetings.



Linea Recta

Since I’ve done gymnastics since I was little, and I wanted to continue practicing it, also to burn off some calories, I decided to join Linea Reacta, the gymnastics association on campus.  As stated above I am also part of the AcCo, for which I also made the design for the shirts, which we received recently. The only prerequisite was that the logo of Linea Recta had to be on the t-shirt. We decided to put the logo on the back, with our names above it, and the year beside it. To stand out from other years we decided to call ourselves the “AcCoholics”, so we added a party hat to the logo.  


On front we put the name of the association along with our own respective names.



Nest – Theaterlab

Always having had an interest in theatre, I decided to join the theatre association Nest. I applied for the standard theatre group, but got rejected and placed in the Theaterlab group instead. Looking back I don’t really mind actually, since the group is a lot of fun, with a lot more freedom. We produce a more abstract form of theatre, where you can be and input more of yourself. As I’m writing this we’ve done one performance, “Dit is een gaaf land”, with our producer Jimmy Deegens, closing the first half year. I am very excited and looking forward to the second half of the year!



All in all it’s been a busy module in which I have learned a lot, during the courses as well as on social field, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year!*



*As I’m writing this it’s already the end of module 2, since I didn’t find any time during this module to update the website. 

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