Processing – Final assignment

The final assignment for the programming course consisted of recreating a painting from Milan Kunc and animating it. Together with my project partner we chose to recreate the painting ” Hirschjagd”, Deer Hunt, using only processing’s curveVertex option to redraw it. It is possible to import .png files, but I had already started recreating the painting when we learned about it, so we decided to stick with it.  

Above you can see the original painting on the left and our impression of it on the right. Since we had to animate the painting, we implemented different things in processing to spice things up a bit. 

As you can see on the picture above, it is possible to race each other with our program. The fishes in the water were each assigned to a key on your keyboard, making it possible to race. When one got and the far right before the other, the name of the fish (one of our names) would appear on the top of the screen, along with the message that you had won, and how to restart. Something else you can see on the picture is that the sky is different. This is due to the fact that the background changes over time, making it look like the sun emits beams of light, and that the clouds move from left to right. Aside from that it is also possible to change the color of the leaves of the plants by pressing ‘p’ on your keyboard, and the colour of the nose of the deer into red by pressing it. Lastly the water on the bottom forms wave according to a sine function. 

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