Who am I?

I’m Thiemen Doppenberg, a Creative Technology student! Nice to see you over here on my personal website. On this website I keep a portfolio of the things I created and once in awhile I’ll update the blog of my progress in the programme.

Why Creative Technology?

More than three years ago, I ran into CreaTe at an information evening of Carmel College Salland. Immediately the name drew my attention. The presentation really appealed to me. Everything I love doing is in this programme! Design, visual communication, carrying a message through creations, exploring the possibilities of computers and using the technology to create new art and innovations. Combining creativity with technology to develop meaningful things is really what this programme is all about.

What when CreaTe is over?

When I finished this programme, I hope I’ll be equipped with a skillset of being an engineer who understands the technology of products in relativity to its design (usability, interactions with the user and it looks). With this skillset I will be able to either start my own business or to work in an existing business as a bridge between the tech side and the creativity side of products. Helping to smooth down the workflow of both parties and along the way generating new ideas to improve the product. Because CreaTe is a relatively new programme, your future is not guaranteed. That is because the current companies don’t really know the definition of a CreaTer, yet. One thing that is clear is that I will know the wide spectrum of techniques and creativity, as well as the deeper knowledge required to understand them properly.