De Regentoren: 3D Animation

University of Twente is busy with a sophisticated network of rainwater buffers. These buffers have the capacity to temporarily store rainwater. This way, the network of buffers prevent excess stress on the sewer system and prevents lower located areas from flooding. In addition to this, the ground water level may be restored as well.

A few months ago, I was contacted by one of the organizers of this project. She asked me if i could make an animation that explains the inner workings of one buffer unit. I gladly accepted this offer.

De Regentoren is a system of smart buffers that is part of the Regentoren network. The network knows when rainfall is about to happen and sends out a signal to empty all the smart Regentoren buffer units. The idea is; when many households in the city of Enschede have such a buffer in the garden,  the sewers would not overflow.

Moreover, this system can be used to prevent the drastic reduction of the local groundwater level. Too dry ground negatively impacts flora and fauna, not to forget that houses and complexes start tearing up and sinking very slowly in the ground.

As an owner of a buffer unit, you can use its water to water the plants, clean your windows and manage the garden.

The full animation is in my portfolio

Module 3: OyfoWorld – A New Way of Visitor Interaction in a Museum


The project of module 3 was about working with real companies without interference of the UT. We only were linked to a company and all the communication was between the students and the company itself. Edwin Dertien managed to involve a lot of companies with each their own project. We as students could choose the company and project we would like to have.

| OYFO |

Hengelo has got a beautiful science museum called Oyfo. It exists of multiple disciplines that combined into one museum a few years ago. Oyfo asked us for finding a new way visitors could interact with their museum. Normally it is quite straightforward interaction of walking around, reading information and sometimes you can push a button and then something moves. Not very interactive, right?


Our solution we came up with is called OyfoWorld. It is a combination of an app with a physical casing. It is aimed at children in primary school. Together with Captain Heim, they can discover the various exhibitions of the museum. They can do so by finding gear wheels laid out across the museum. Other gears can be accomplished by solving puzzles. Those puzzles give insight to the inner workings of a device. When the gears have been found, the children can scan them with the physical casing and the app will give hints about the next locations to search!



Module 1: The aftermath


The final assignment of module one was an interactive video (also in my portfolio). It is a video where the viewer, you, is able to decide what is going to happen. For example, in our video you will be locked up in a room. Would you wait, hide or pick the lock of the door? Based on your choice, different scenes will be showed. Because the viewer can choose what happens, a lot of different scenes are needed. To film everything, our group decided to spend a whole weekend on it. Therefore the editor, me in this case, was able to work on the whole project at once without having to wait on new materials to be delivered. When I finished all the scenes, my pal Jan-Paul Konijn coded all of the choices and possibilities into an HTML file that works with Ximpel. The end product turned out much better than we initially expected. It works smoothly, the quality of the video is high and the sound works well.



On Thursday the 9th of November there was an open exposition of all the student’s final products. The SmartXP was turned into an exhibition area with a lot of screens. The groups would present their work alongside of a screen. A lot of good films where there to be viewed. We could vote for the best videos and at the end of the day one group was chosen as the best movie. Our installation was simple: plug the hdmi  and headset cable in, tweak some sound settings and the setup was good to go! Dennis Reidsma, our module coördinator watched our movie and he thought it was a nice piece of entertainment!

Peer Review


The site I had to review was from a fellow student called Hessel Bosma. His website is created fully in HTML code without help of WordPress or other templates. Therefore the progress is slow, but what you see is all made by his hands. The review is divided in five different sections. Per section I give a small feedback in text, supported by a star rating where 5 is best and 1 is lowest.

Overall rating: ★★★☆☆ (2.8/5)



The first impression when visiting the site was “Hmm, it’s empty.” The homepage does exist but it has no content, no text and even no images. There is a pop-up box stating that the website is under construction, therefore some things are not completed yet. One thing that irritates me is the use of only small caps in the header. There aren’t even capital letters. This looks very amature and unminded for.


| DESIGN |★★★★☆

Hessel’s design has a calming effect. Basic white with blue shades in the header and elements on the pages. The blog and portfolio have a nice grid layout.  Alternating shades of blue are a nice addition, because that makes it easier for the user to distinguish different posts.


| FUNCTION | ★★★☆☆

Some pages of Hessel do not exist yet, therefore the website is not fully functional. On average the site is straightforward to use and that results in a rating of three stars. The other pages will come soon.



The page where the information should be does not exist yet. Clicking on “Get in touch” does nothing. This is worth only one star.



(Click to enlarge) On the top right corner there is the code for one button on the navigation bar



<h1 class = “name”>Hessel Bosma</h1>
<h2 class = “description”>student Creative Technology at the University of Twente.</h2>
<img class = “portrait” src = “../placeholderphoto.jpg”>

<div class = “nav-bar”>


<h1 class = “name-nav”>Hessel Bosma | about</h1>
<li><a href=”#” class = “nav-button”>get in touch</a></li>
<li><a href=”blog.php” class = “nav-button”>blog</a></li>
<li><a href=”portfolio.html” class = “nav-button”>my work</a></li>
<li><a href=”#” class = “nav-button nav-button-active”>who am I</a></li>
<li><a href=”../index.html” class = “nav-button”>home</a></li>


The picture and the highlighted code above shows how Hessel made the navigation bar buttons. He started with the basic <body> element. As a header he used the header type and an image. He made his own class named ‘nav-bar’. In his stylesheet he defines the colors, box type and spacing. After that he made an unordered list containing all the names for the buttons. Each button has its own reference (the link you will be taken to), the style class and the text that has to be displayed. The list will show up as buttons on the page.

Below you can find a section of Hessel’s stylesheet. Here he can define all the desired settings from colour to spacing, to alignment to the type of box. He can just add some code and all the display settings will apply to the HTML code where he assigned an item with class= “NAME”.

PIECE OF STYLESHEET OF HESSEL (all the code in purple are added by me)

background-color: #455A64//this results in the blue/gray colour of the navigation bar
overflow: hidden//whenever there is too much text to be displayed by the box, will be hidden from view
box-sizing: border-box//this tells the browser what the proportions are
width: 100%;
padding: 0px 0px 0px 20px;
color: #FFFFFF//white text colour
z-index: 2//priority of display order

width: 150px;
border-left: white solid 1px;
float: right;
display: block//this lets the browser know what kind of box should be used.
font-size: 1.45rem//relative size to the fontsize
line-height: 50px;
transition-duration: 0.35s//measured in seconds how long it takes for the transition to be finished



Reviewing the website enabled me to take a deeper look into the website of other’s. I studied the html code, because I use WordPress and therefore I do not get to see HTML that often. The lay-out of the header, the page and a logo is nicely structured by Hessel. I think I have acquired a better understanding of the structure of HTML. When the Web Technology course started it looked scary at first (therefore I chose WordPress). I learned it is useful to create a class and define all the settings in the stylesheet. Therefore you will be able to change a lot of elements by changing only the stylesheet. Otherwise you would need to go through the list one by one to change the colours for example. HTML is one of the most used languages for a reason. It is well organized (the header and body element, reminds me of programming in processing) and I learned that via classes you can assign a wider range of settings to items and those settings you can define in one spot.

Theme Refined


The theme I used is called xMag and is created by Design Lab. This was a basic theme that offers a header, widgets and some other functionalities like a blog. The colors and menus were the main things I changed and later on I will use the widget feature for useful additions. Right now there is a tag cloud, so the viewers can easily see the things I post most about. These posts can be accessed by clicking on that tag. For my website, I like the sleek design of white accentuated with golden bars in the menu. It gives a feeling of professionalism. The text in the left upper part of the header is made in uppercase, which has an in-your-face effect. The blog is organized by use of thumbnails, displaying what that post is all about. The pages have header images, also giving more value to the information that is being displayed.



For extra customization purposes, I made a child theme of xMag. This made me able to alter the font of the Title (T.A. Doppenberg) from Roboto to Nirmala UI. The latter looks cleaner and straighter than Roboto. There is not much I want to improve, because now I’m satisfied with the results.

Pictures in Portfolio


There is a new picture album added to my portfolio. For the gallery I used a plugin called “Huge-IT Portfolio”. This plugin allows me to easily add pictures in a nice way. When you click on it a window pops up with additional information. The pictures I added are low-res, but those will improve when I have access to the original files.

Videos in Portfolio


The first items in my portfolio are two videos I created in Cinema4D. That program is user friendly and in my opinion the best way to learn 3D modelling and animation. There is a broad community on the web (YouTube, forums and websites) where everybody can get things explained when they’re stuck. The tutorials are all easy to follow, thereby it is a quick way to learn advanced 3D modelling. For CreaTe we will use Autodesk’s Maya. For me it was intimidating to see the interface with many of small letters and buttons and when you press them nothing, seemingly, happens.

With Cinema4D, I feel like I acquired a general understanding of the workflow of 3D modelling, which will come in handy for when we start with Maya.

In the next week I will upload more pictures and 3D creations to my porftolio

First Weeks


The part where a programme is all about, is the actual programme. Before I started CreaTe, I had a general idea of what awaited me, but with all the best intentions in the world, you would never know how a study programme is until you are really part of it. The first weeks of CreaTe really confirmed my choice that I am in the right place. The content of the programme suits me and the fellow students are kind, helpful and just not annoying, which is a good thing 😉



Video project:

The programme is divided into tests and assignments. The tests will be held in a few weeks, but along the way you receive assignments (every week another one) that have to be done in order to pass the module. One assignment, which will be 25% of your module grade, is a video assignment. With a group of 5 members you will have to create an interactive video. That means the outcome of the video will be decided by the user’s actions. We already had a group meeting and in the next meeting we will all bring one sample story.


For programming I am discovering the possibilities of Processing, a computer language. The assignments of programming are about making interactive compositions. For now we will have to make a figure that is somehow interactive. Bobo is my little figure. This little man loves to give hugs. However, when you leave him he will be sad, of course.

Bobo will give you free hugs

Bobo giving you a hug (when you hold the mouse)

Bobo when you leave the screen (clicking on other windows on the computer)

Which direction to go?


WordPress offers a wide range of themes. Before I started I had a general idea of what I wanted: stylish, minimal, few colors and simple. I have found a theme called xMag and it is almost everything I want.

This is how I think it looks good:

Initial design of my website


This site should give information about me, show my blogs and my portfolio. It has to be straightforward to use. Right now I think it looks really sleek. Although I would like to have more control over the theme, I am content with the outcome. The widget section is a part I have multiple thoughts on. I want something cool, but not distracting from the main purpose of a page. Namely everything in the widget section will be displayed on every page. It should not distract the viewer from the main purpose of a subpage.


The next task for me will be to update the portfolio page. It needs to have three types of previews and when you click on one you will be taken to that section of my portfolio (e.g. Pictures or 3D Modelling). So in the next few days I am going to figure that out.

GOGBOT 2017!


From the 7th till the 10th of September 2017 there was the GOGBOT Festival in the city centre. GOGBOT is an annual gathering of creative artists that combine technology with art. The theme this time was ‘Intergalactic’. Enschede was transformed in a few exhibitions. The ‘Oude Markt’ was accompanied with a few workshops and a robot on display. There also was music playing for the crowd to enjoy.



Inside the Menistenkerk there were some projects on display. One I really liked was a project called E|A|S. That stands for Evolving Asteroid Starship. The point of this project is to visualize space travel in 100 years. They would use an asteroid and with 6 different types of building blocks they would try to make the asteroid suitable for sustained living and space travel. To achieve possible designs of such a structure, they built a supercomputer. It consists of 48 Raspberry Pi units all connected as one supercomputer. The setup of the raspberries has as much power as twelve mid-range MacBooks.

Multiple RPs running E|A|S simulation

The supercomputer runs a program that calculates a possible solution of which the 6 types of structures are suitable for living. The structures are for example shielding (against the star rays), eco system (oxygen and nature), mining (for the resource in order to 3D print the building blocks). This appealed to me because this is visualized to an extend that it can be put in practice. Maybe in 100 years it is really possible and project E|A|S was one of the necessary steps.




Dress of the future

Modern art clothes. Why would somebody make modern art clothing? It isn’t wearable, practical, protective or efficient. In the church of de Grote Markt, somebody has done it again. Two pieces of clothing for the future generations. The creator thought it would be better when you listened electro space music along with it. Therefore there was a headphone playing that music constantly to really get the feel of the ‘future’. So I gave it a shot. I stood there for a few minutes with electro music watching the clothing. The music was a nice addition but still I didn’t get the point. Because I dislike it, it means it has done the job. Art means to let someone feel something, even if it’s a negative feeling.